Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I'm positive that this isn't going to work:Part 2

   Welcome back! Today I am going to introduce you to optimism and show you the steps on how to get rid of your negative thoughts!
   Optimism, a virtue to see the good in life and believe that you can reach your goals. An example is when you get you test back and realize that you got a B. Don't stress over the fact that you got a couple wrong, it happens! Accept your mistakes and pat yourself on your back that you got the other ones correct! In addition, optimism gives you confidence to help you cope with life troubles. Being an optimist isn't something you're just born with, but it is something you can obtain with patience and hard work! Good Luck!

Getting Rid of Your Negative Thoughts
1. Your thoughts are one of the most influential powers you have. YOU can choose happiness!Whenever a bad thought enters into your mind, delete it like a message!
2.Surround  yourself with inspiring quotes, motivating objects, and things that make you smile!
3. Create an environment with happy people!
4. Smile more! There is always a reason to smile, find it!
5.Visualize the best that can happen, don't focus on the worst!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

I'm positive that this isn't going to work


       Have you ever been in a position when you're like, "This is terrible. I'm going to flunk my English paper even though I worked extremely hard on it. If I don't do good, the world is going to end and my life will be ruined!" Let me just tell you that the chances of the world ending if you get an unsatisfying grade are very and extremely low. Life will still go on. You're probably thinking, Where is she going with this? Well, this brings me to POSITIVE THINKING!
      Positive thinking can make you see the better things in life. Science shows that if you think positive, you can achieve success and reach your goals! When you have a positive attitude, it lowers your levels of distress, decreases the chances of getting sick, helps you cope with stress in hard times, and increases your life span so that you can live your life to the max! People are unsure why humans who focus on positive thinking experience these health benefits, but they sure are satisfied in the end! Positive thinking may take some time and patience but in the end it will make you smile from ear to ear!
       Next time, I'm going to introduce you to becoming open to optimism and even show you the steps to do it! Until next time!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

  Lucid Dreams  
     Have you even been aware in your dream? And maybe even control it? If you have, this phenomenon is called lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is an ability that allows you to become aware and maybe even control your dream. Experiencing lucid dreams is unique, unlike any other dream. Some people may realize it right away, while some might only realize they are dreaming in the middle of the dream. If you are a lucid dreamer your body is asleep, but your mind is working. Only about 20% of people claim that they have lucid dreams once a month or more, while most people only have it once their entire lifetime.
     Now that you're reading you may be like, "Oh my god! This is freaky and scary!" Don't worry those were my exact thoughts in the beginning, but lucid dreaming has some benefits. Stress is a common problem for me. When you have the ability to have a lucid dream you can create a calm environment for you to relax in. If you have any fears you can stand up to them because you know it's a fantasy. One more is your creativity and problem solving. You can see how creative you are when there is a conflict. Your imagination is an infinite world in which you live in.
     I have only dreamt lucid dreams a couple of times, and out of all those times I thought I was crazy, because I had the power to control my dreams. When I realize that I'm lucid dreaming in the middle of a dream, my body automatically starts waking up. I tell my mind to stay focused on the plot of my dream. If I am successful and don't wake up, I usually fly and preform sorcery of some sort. If you are successful at lucid dreaming don't over lucid dream, because you then might lose your sense of reality and life and trust me, in this world you have to keep your eyes wide open.