Sunday, September 27, 2015

I'm positive that this isn't going to work


       Have you ever been in a position when you're like, "This is terrible. I'm going to flunk my English paper even though I worked extremely hard on it. If I don't do good, the world is going to end and my life will be ruined!" Let me just tell you that the chances of the world ending if you get an unsatisfying grade are very and extremely low. Life will still go on. You're probably thinking, Where is she going with this? Well, this brings me to POSITIVE THINKING!
      Positive thinking can make you see the better things in life. Science shows that if you think positive, you can achieve success and reach your goals! When you have a positive attitude, it lowers your levels of distress, decreases the chances of getting sick, helps you cope with stress in hard times, and increases your life span so that you can live your life to the max! People are unsure why humans who focus on positive thinking experience these health benefits, but they sure are satisfied in the end! Positive thinking may take some time and patience but in the end it will make you smile from ear to ear!
       Next time, I'm going to introduce you to becoming open to optimism and even show you the steps to do it! Until next time!!!


  1. That was an awesome blog, I'll keep positive thinking in mind next time I'm nervous about something.

  2. This is really interesting! I never knew that positive thinking can give you a longer life span.
