Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I'm positive that this isn't going to work:Part 2

   Welcome back! Today I am going to introduce you to optimism and show you the steps on how to get rid of your negative thoughts!
   Optimism, a virtue to see the good in life and believe that you can reach your goals. An example is when you get you test back and realize that you got a B. Don't stress over the fact that you got a couple wrong, it happens! Accept your mistakes and pat yourself on your back that you got the other ones correct! In addition, optimism gives you confidence to help you cope with life troubles. Being an optimist isn't something you're just born with, but it is something you can obtain with patience and hard work! Good Luck!

Getting Rid of Your Negative Thoughts
1. Your thoughts are one of the most influential powers you have. YOU can choose happiness!Whenever a bad thought enters into your mind, delete it like a message!
2.Surround  yourself with inspiring quotes, motivating objects, and things that make you smile!
3. Create an environment with happy people!
4. Smile more! There is always a reason to smile, find it!
5.Visualize the best that can happen, don't focus on the worst!


  1. Great advice. I'm positive OUAT is going to be intense tonight, haha.

  2. I'm going to do this next time I stress out about a test.
