Wednesday, December 2, 2015


   So Christmas is coming up and I am so very extremely excited! One thing that I never got was how Santa Claus came in. Christmas was always about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Today you are in luck, because I'm going to show you how he came into this merry holiday.
   Santa Claus was actually a real person... well kind of. He was a bishop with the name St. Nicholas. Originally, he was dressed in the traditional bishop robes. In 1874 Thomas Nast, an American cartoonist gave Saint Nicholas a new look, a brown suit with brown fur trim. Later in the 20th century, he was given the white and red suit. Saint Nicholas was a very generous and giving man. He loved to give gifts and love. Later then, we became his "helpers". Now, in the year of 2015, he is a man who loves cookies with rosy cheeks, a long white beard, gleaming eyes and jolly laugh.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Wildest dreams

   Welcome back world! Today I will be talking about dreams, and not the goals you have in life, but the realm of your subconscious. You may think a dream is a constant play of flickering images or a story when you sleep. But really, dreaming is slipping out of consciousness and living a world led my your subconsciousness. You may have noticed that your dreams may relate to the day you had. Part of that is, because your subconscious is in control and trying to show you hidden facts about it. Only  a part of the people understand what their dreams mean, and in a couple of moments I'm going to help you understand dreams a little bit better!
   When you are dreaming you may encounter some obstacles and one thing you may not know is that the obstacles represent something. In your dream, you may see a dog. The dog may represent a strong friendship and loyalty toward somebody. A sick dog, on the other hand, may represent a neglected friendship. Next is rarely encountered, but interestingly found that the roman numeral I, may represent yourself and V may represent the number five or a victory. Last but not least, is flying, which happens to 90% of the lucid dreamers out there and may represent freedom! If you would like to learn more about your dreams I recommend keeping a journal. See you next time!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Likes and Dislikes

   Welcome back people! This week I'm going to tell you about what I like and don't like. Along the way you can maybe even relate!
   To start of, I'm going to state what I like! I am a huge lover of Jamba Juice, Nutella, Shaved Ice, and coconut scented things (not the actual coconut though). I love it when it's raining outside and I'm curled up on my couch, with a warm cup of hot chocolate, while watching a new episode of Once Upon A Time. I also love doing anything with animals, because I feel very loved when I'm with them. I love watching people get along. It makes me feel that we still have hope for the future.
   Now I'm going to introduce you to some things I don't like. One of the things is sexism. I believe that the male and female genders are equally equal. A woman can do anything a man can! In the future, I hope to help  humans end sexism! Another thing that annoys me is bullying. I understand that the bully may have problems at home, but that doesn't mean that he should take out his anger on somebody else. He can get through life's troubles by some other kind of painless method. I hope you enjoyed reading about some of the things I like and don't like. See you next week!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Is Sleep Really That Important?

   Sleep. Something many people, including me, don't get enough of some nights. But sleep is important for your physical and mental health, since it repairs your body. An ongoing sleep deficiency may increase risks of diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and strokes.Your performance and reaction time suffer, even if you lose 1-2 hours of sleep. Research shows, people that are sleepy, get in more car accidents than people who are drunk. As you may see, sleepiness may not only affect you, but it can also hurt and injure other people.
   If you want to catch up on some sleep, you can take a cat nap during the day. Even as little as 30 minutes, every now and then can do the trick. Personally I can't sleep during the day. If you have a similar situation I suggest working yourself out with some kind of mini workout four hours before bed. Not only is it good for you, but your also going to be extremely tired when it comes to bedtime. Another way may be to snack on cheese and crackers before bed. It may seem silly, but it combines carbohydrates and calcium or protein that helps you relax and feel calm. So next time you feel tired during the day, try catching up on some sleep. :)

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Bad decisions, not that bad?

   Hello world! This week I was flipping through my, "What Cats Can Teach Humans" calendar, when I read this quote that humans on planet Earth need to think about when they make a bad decision.
   "Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions."- Anonymous. This quote means that bad decisions aren't always bad. In result you can gain experience to make better decisions. Whenever I make a bad decision,I think Great... the world is going to end and there is nothing I can do about it. I just want to go home, curl up in my bed, and forget whatever happened. Sadly, I can't do that. Now that I have the knowledge of this quote, I can remind myself that it's okay that I messed up, it happens to everyone. Sooner or later, I'm going to come across a similar conflict, but this time I'll make a wiser decision. Until next time!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Himalayan Salt Lamps

   Hey, guys! Today I will be talking about Himalayan salt lamps (because I'm so in love with mine). 2000 years ago, the Himalayan mountains uncovered one of their deepest and oldest secrets; a 250 million year old salt crystal deposit. This breathtaking translucent salt crystal, helps heal people by emitting negative ions that naturally refresh your room. Science studies have shown that people who have obtained this healing salt crystal show less signs of stress and a higher level of creativity.
   The way the salt lamp works is very simple. People in every day life, use items that have positive ions like computers, phones, TV's, etc. There are positive ions (which are the bad ions) in the air all the time, but usually, it's the electrically charged items, which our generation uses a lot. These positive ions give us one of the worst feelings like feeling fatigue and depression. The salt lamp counters the positive ions by releasing negative ions (the good ions). They may also help decrease they amount of allergies and diseases so that you can live a happier life!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

What the cats and chicks dressed like in the 1950's. You dig?

   I don't know why, but I have always been in love with the 50's. From the  black and white checkered floors to their slang, but the fashion always caught my eye. I'm always jazzed (excited) about hearing about it!

   Their style is absolutely remarkable, from the low neckline dresses to the fashionable tuxedo shoes! Part of this "New look" was formed my Christian Dior after many options. Some dresses like the halter dress, was a part of the 1930's, but still continued making girls feel trendy in the 1950's!

   Accessorizing in the 50's was a blast (a lot of fun). It was all about sleekness, elegance, and matching. Another few fashions icons you may have heard about, are the classic cat eye glasses and the poodle skirts. The hair styles on the other hand, were based on the length of your hair. If you had long hair you could pin it up into a sleek ponytail, with short hair you could slightly curl it with a generous amount of hairspray. Some of the fashion was passed down and embedded in today's styles.


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I'm positive that this isn't going to work:Part 2

   Welcome back! Today I am going to introduce you to optimism and show you the steps on how to get rid of your negative thoughts!
   Optimism, a virtue to see the good in life and believe that you can reach your goals. An example is when you get you test back and realize that you got a B. Don't stress over the fact that you got a couple wrong, it happens! Accept your mistakes and pat yourself on your back that you got the other ones correct! In addition, optimism gives you confidence to help you cope with life troubles. Being an optimist isn't something you're just born with, but it is something you can obtain with patience and hard work! Good Luck!

Getting Rid of Your Negative Thoughts
1. Your thoughts are one of the most influential powers you have. YOU can choose happiness!Whenever a bad thought enters into your mind, delete it like a message!
2.Surround  yourself with inspiring quotes, motivating objects, and things that make you smile!
3. Create an environment with happy people!
4. Smile more! There is always a reason to smile, find it!
5.Visualize the best that can happen, don't focus on the worst!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

I'm positive that this isn't going to work


       Have you ever been in a position when you're like, "This is terrible. I'm going to flunk my English paper even though I worked extremely hard on it. If I don't do good, the world is going to end and my life will be ruined!" Let me just tell you that the chances of the world ending if you get an unsatisfying grade are very and extremely low. Life will still go on. You're probably thinking, Where is she going with this? Well, this brings me to POSITIVE THINKING!
      Positive thinking can make you see the better things in life. Science shows that if you think positive, you can achieve success and reach your goals! When you have a positive attitude, it lowers your levels of distress, decreases the chances of getting sick, helps you cope with stress in hard times, and increases your life span so that you can live your life to the max! People are unsure why humans who focus on positive thinking experience these health benefits, but they sure are satisfied in the end! Positive thinking may take some time and patience but in the end it will make you smile from ear to ear!
       Next time, I'm going to introduce you to becoming open to optimism and even show you the steps to do it! Until next time!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

  Lucid Dreams  
     Have you even been aware in your dream? And maybe even control it? If you have, this phenomenon is called lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is an ability that allows you to become aware and maybe even control your dream. Experiencing lucid dreams is unique, unlike any other dream. Some people may realize it right away, while some might only realize they are dreaming in the middle of the dream. If you are a lucid dreamer your body is asleep, but your mind is working. Only about 20% of people claim that they have lucid dreams once a month or more, while most people only have it once their entire lifetime.
     Now that you're reading you may be like, "Oh my god! This is freaky and scary!" Don't worry those were my exact thoughts in the beginning, but lucid dreaming has some benefits. Stress is a common problem for me. When you have the ability to have a lucid dream you can create a calm environment for you to relax in. If you have any fears you can stand up to them because you know it's a fantasy. One more is your creativity and problem solving. You can see how creative you are when there is a conflict. Your imagination is an infinite world in which you live in.
     I have only dreamt lucid dreams a couple of times, and out of all those times I thought I was crazy, because I had the power to control my dreams. When I realize that I'm lucid dreaming in the middle of a dream, my body automatically starts waking up. I tell my mind to stay focused on the plot of my dream. If I am successful and don't wake up, I usually fly and preform sorcery of some sort. If you are successful at lucid dreaming don't over lucid dream, because you then might lose your sense of reality and life and trust me, in this world you have to keep your eyes wide open.