Sunday, May 8, 2016


   Welcome back guys and Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Today, on this very special day, I decided to do a little bit of research about Mother's Day for you!
   Why May 8th you may be wondering. Well it's always the second Sunday in May. This is not a federal holiday, meaning life still goes on just like any other Sunday. Many people believe that Mother's Day was formed by two women named Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis. Julia Ward Howe celebrated it originally to help educate people about the pacifism and disarmament. Anna Jarvis held a private celebration for her mother. Some people even believe that Juliet Calhoun Blakely developed this celebration when her sons payed respect to her every year and urged others to do the same.
A research has been done that Americans spend 21.4 BILLION dollars for flowers on Mother's Day. Wow! Well I hope you learned something about this very special day. Until next week!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Healthy Habits :)

  Welcome back! I had a lot of fun making my last blog, so I decided to make something very similar this week. This week, I'm going to talk about some healthy habits, so sit back and enjoy!
Habit 1: Try to break up your three big meals into six little ones. This makes it easier for your body to break down all the food completely.
Habit 2: If your busy life can't handle "Habit 1", try to eat one really healthy meal out of your three. Just one! Little by little your body would get healthier and happier.
Habit 3: Soups and Stews! Soups are a great way to save time and money. In addition they are very healthy. You can just freeze the left over and heat them up for the next day!
Habit 4: Staying hydrated. Ugh this is a problem that I have haha...but I'm working on it. Water is one of the most important ingredients in life. Water keeps you full(with no calories), energized, and extra focused.
Habit 5: One of my recent blogs was about the extent of being human. Setting realistic goals is very important. Not only does it save you stress, it also helps you get closer to your goals. (Personal experience :) )
Habit 6: Taking a vacation. YASSS. This also relates to the realistic human life because a humans can only do so much. Even if it is a 10 minute break from studying or a two week vacation in Hawaii, it still counts.
Thank you for reading my blog. See you next time!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Just food in general :)

   Hello world! Today I will be talking about just food in general. For example what are the best foods to eat before bed and power boosting breakfasts. Let's begin.
   Let me start of with saying don't eat sugar and fat filled foods before bed. Instead, try cherries or bananas. You can also have a bowl of berries. To make the digestion easier you can even make it into a smoothie to ensure a happy belly! If you want to lose weight without torturing yourself, try a 200 calorie snack filled with protein and fiber like 6-ounce container of nonfat Greek yogurt topped with 4 chopped walnuts and 1/2 cup of halved strawberries, totaling 180 calories, 18 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber.
 And then there is breakfast, my favorite meal out of the whole day! In order to start your day of right, eat oats! It has been proven that oats lower cholesterol when eaten regularly. Oats are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids , folate, and potassium. Just try to avoid the flavored type.  Instead top your oatmeal with berries, honey, and nuts. If you're ever in a quick rush in the morning, Greek yogurt is your friend. It's quick, easy, and filled with protein. Just like oatmeal, you can top it off with a healthy topping.
Thank you reading my blog. For more information about before bed healthy snacks click on

 Or if you REALLY love breakfast like me, click on,,20676415_3,00.html

Friday, April 22, 2016

I am human, nothing more

  I feel like this blogpost is going to be more of a rant about the limits of being human. I have been wanting to write about this for a while now, but I was always unsure and kinda doubtful about it ...but today is the day!
  Humans are amazing creatures and they make mistakes, not once but many many many times. That's why I'm always a little bit edgy about people not receiving a second chance when they made a mistake. Even thought sometimes you feel like smacking that person upside their head because they made a very idiotic mistake. Put yourself in their shoes.
   Second is perfection. Perfection is unachievable. You can't and shouldn't change yourself to suit anybody's needs. If you do, that person is not worthy of you, a human being.
It's very easy to get caught up in what's not real in today's world(like perfection), catch yourself and make better choices. Remember you are human, nothing more.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Intergrity is EVERYTHING

    I came upon a quote once, which really made it's purpose and changed me in a better way. "No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything." -unknown author. This quote is about integrity.
In·teg·ri·ty    /inˈteɡrədē/ noun. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
    People look at integrity in many different ways. It can be honesty, kindness, loyalty, or doing the right thing when nobody is watching. I feel like this also connects to the concept of empathy because you have put yourself in other people's shoes and experience their life. I tested this out and the results were clear. This made me change the way I look at people. I wanted to share this with you, hoping it will make a positive impact on your life, like it did on mine. Humans are very social and interactive creatures, therefore how they treat people really is EVERYTHING.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

A Little Something About Lake Arrowhead

   An enchanted place, by the name of Lake Arrowhead is where a 14 year old girl spent her spring break with her friends and family. In case you didn't know yet, that 14 year old girl is me! This spring break I was even more curious about the existence of this lake, so I decided to do some research and share it with you!
   Lake Arrowhead was not always know as Lake Arrowhead. In the very beginning, a fur trader by the name of Jedediah Smith was the first white man to step on Little Bear Valley. He is the reason that Little Bear Valley( Lake Arrowhead) is populated. What I was VERY surprised to find out was that Lake Arrowhead is an artificial lake! It's purpose was to irrigate water to the San Bernardino Valley. However, because of the limited amount of supplies, the construction for this dam turned into a resort where people like me, escape to this part of Southern California to relax and take in the nature around them.

Saturday, March 12, 2016


   ACAI!!! One of my favorite foods. Therefore I'm dedicating this whole blog post to Acai because I want to share this love with more people, like you!
   Acai is commonly found in the Amazon region. It's harvested from slender, tall, and palm looking like trees. For many centuries, this delicious dark purple berry was the main source of food for the Amazon natives. The name Acai (ä-ˌsä-ˈē) originated from the "Legend of Iaca". Iaca was a girl who saved her tribe from starvation by discovering this wonder berry. Hence the name Acai, which is Iaca backwards. One of the main reasons I love this berry so much is because of it's high level of antioxidants. Antioxidants counteract your body's damaging effects and helps prevent cell damage. Studies have shown that Acai actually has one of the most amount of antioxidants. In addition, it also has vitamin E, vitamin A, and many other nutrients. I've only recently discovered this berry and thought you might enjoy learning about it. See you next week!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Primer and Moisturizer

   Helloooo guys! Today I will be talking about my favorite and most essential beauty hacks for all ages!
   Primer and moisturizer. You may be thinking " Umm yeah... I don't need this", but first let me explain what it is. When you apply foundation, concealer, do color correcting dry your skin. Then you have to choose between looking fierce and healthy skin. Using a moisturizer locks in hydration and helps keep your skin healthy so that you don't face the makeup struggle. Next up is a primer. A primer prevents product from entering your pores and making them bigger. It also reduces the appearance of acne and makes your skin smoother. There are different types of primers and moisturizers based on the type of skin that you have and the result that you want to get. If you do choose to try this, you would apply the moisturizer first, then the primer with all your products after. I am on a mission to save your skin!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Dog Fostering

   Dog fostering. An idea I only found out about recently, but one that I am very excited to share with you!
   In dog fostering, you take in a dog that has no home at the current time and take care of it for  as long as you can until it gets adopted. If the dog does not fit your lifestyle, you can go back and trade it for another canine. Every weekend the shelter will hold an adoption which your four legged friend would have to attend. Shelters usually provide the food, leashes and all the other supplies. All you would have to do is provide a loving home, time, and love. The dog being adopted is a bittersweet moment. You are saying goodbye to a friend you made who on the other hand found a forever home. Consider these pros and cons. If you do decide to foster, do a lot of research and get you're home ready. You know, you could save a life.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

So Studyblr


   Hello guys! I'm back after two weeks! Today I'm going to talk about how to be organized.

   I recently noticed people complaining about unorganized folders, messy notes,etc. Which causes more stress and pressure when you can't find a certain paper. I want to help you prevent that! Organization is actually really fun...well in my eyes it is. Go on Pinterest and type in "Studyblr". It will give you great ideas like coded highlighters and note taking tips. Try new things! Find out which way works best for you! My personal favorite is cleaning out and reorganizing my work space. After I'm done I have a clarity in my mind. I don't procrastinate as much after I'm done cleaning.
  Helpful tips I found on Instagram were:
1:Packing your backpack the day before.
2: In your free time, take pictures of you in your outfits so that in those insane mornings, you can just scroll through your camera roll and pick them out.( I thought this one was really awesome and fun).
3:DON'T PROCRASTINATE! I know this is a long shot but, try to view it from a different perceptive. Think of the good that would happen if you start the assignment earlier.
This really is based on what kind of person you are! Experiment! Try new ways and after you find the method that works for you, hold on to it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Powerful Women

   Hello world! I'm back to talk about my two feminism inspirations! First of, is the beautiful and talented Emma Watson! Then it's the young and gorgeous Rowan Blanchard! First of is Emma Watson!
   You may know Emma Watson as the girl who played Hermione in " Harry Potter", I know her as one of the word's biggest feminist symbols, and  the way she did that is by bringing men in. People usually think that feminists are "man haters". That is false. Feminism is just another name for gender inequality. Emma was actually advised to not use the word "feminist" in her #HeForShe speech because it sounded like a terrifying word, but she still succeeded.
  Now, talking about Rowan Blanchard, keep in mind that she is only 14, which is the main part of why she is so inspiring. She taught me that age does that matter. You CAN speak out! Sexism starts at a younger age than you think. Like Rowan who was thrown the same insult as me that she throws "like a girl" in kindergarten!
  Thank you for reading this week. I hope I made you think a little bit deeper about gender equality.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

February 14

   Hey every-body(female or male)! Today I'm going to talk about  Valentine's Day and how it came to be. I always wondered why it was called Valentine's day and how it became associated with romance and love, so I thought you might too! It dates back all the way to Rome, when St. Valentine's Day( which back then was a festival called Lupercalia ) began as a liturgical celebration of one or the many Saint Valentines. St. Valentines was secretly marrying couples . Mighty Claudius II believed that single men made better soldiers so he executed the Saint for disobeying him.  Only in the 14th century did it start to be associated with love and romance. People believed that this was the time of year when birds started mating, hence the phrase "love birds" today. This celebration made its way even to the United Kingdom. Later on, people began to send love cards and letters. This tradition evolved to the Valentine's day we celebrate today!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Feminism part 2

   Today I will be talking about what started my rage for feminism. Comments like "You're pretty good... for a girl" or "YOU PLAY LIKE A GIRL". The only thoughts going through my head are What is that supposed to mean? Is that a compliment or something? Guys usually think that they are stronger than girls and that girls can't play sports. I think it is just a stereotype. All humans are created equally. They desire the same thing. Need the same ingredients to live. Also, have the same interests like makeup, biking, surfing, sewing etc. Female or male... it does not matter. People in today's society tend to break apart and group. We should be doing the opposite and unite for what we believe in. And what I believe in is feminism and equal rights to all humans who walk on this earth. I hope to achieve what other strong women achieved before me. Goodbye and until next time!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


    Feminism. The belief that women have as much equal rights and opportunities as men. I am a feminist and I am proud to be one. Many people think that feminism is a joke. The last time I checked, people fought and died for equal rights. People like Pat Robertson who think that "Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians". I completely disagree with this quote because being a feminist doesn't mean that you have to leave you're husbands and/or kill you're kids. It means that you believe in fairness. Women are just as equal as men. We are all humans but, we are taught different things based on our genders. Next time I will talk about the battles that are going on between us, you know it doesn't have to be like this.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Social Media

   Ahhh... so it's finally 2016. I plan to make this year even better than the last, which was the best year ever, and the secret to that are my New Year resolutions... well resolution.
   I've recently noticed that I spend way to much time on my phone(social media) doing I don't know what even. This year I want to put a little bit more time into my hobbies like scrap booking, volunteering at animal shelters or diy's. I wouldn't want me to turn into Albert Einstein's fear of technology. I want to uncover some of my hidden talents and really make a difference in world. You're probably reading this and thinking Whoa there... she thinks that social media is bad?! That's not at all what I'm trying to say. I just think that we all can find a more efficient way of using our precious time. And to prove this point, I nominate you to go the whole day without social media. Tell me what you think, you may find it a bit surprising.